Monday, May 31, 2010

Ada Apa dengan Rumah Tangga Dewiq-Pay

Dewiq, musisi muda ini karyanya banyak disukai orang. Namun akhir-akhir ini rumah tangga Dewiq dan Pay 'BIP' ini dikabarkan retak.

Menanggapi hal itu, Dewiq menjawab

dengan enteng. "Aku sama Pay udah 12 tahun lebih bareng. Chemistry-nya udah menyatu banget. Pay itu aku, aku itu Pay," ungkap Dewiq saat dijumpai di Pisa Kafe Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, baru-baru ini.

Dewiq dan Pay

Menurut Dewiq, ia tak ingin rumah tangganya selalu dikait-kaitkan dengan masalah. Pasalnya, kualitas hubungannya dengan Pay saat ini masih berjalan baik.

"Aku sama Pay sampai sekarang, masih berprestasi, itu bukti untuk menepis berita-berita itu. Aku sayang sama Pay. Yang bisa menyatukan aku sama Pay itu studio dan rumah," tutur Dewiq.

Kalau memang tidak terjadi apa-apa, lantas kenapa jarang berdua?

"Aku jarang bareng ya sama Pay, yah tanya aja sama Pay. Bareng atau nggak bareng, itu nggak penting yang penting aku sama Pay baik-baik aja," ujarnya.

Dikabarkan penyebab retaknya rumah tangga Dewiq dan Pay karena belum adanya momongan. Namun hal itu ditepis oleh Dewiq.

"Aku sudah mengikhlaskan, mau punya anak sekarang atau ntar baru dikasih itu bukan masalah buat kita," pungkasnya.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pasha Dekati Dara "The Virgin"

Vokalis band Ungu itu pernah menjadi kejaran media lantaran dekat dengan Alyssa Soebandono dan Acha Septriasa. Katanya, kedua remaja tersebut pernah menjadi hubungan spesial dengan Pasha.
Kini, muncul satu nama baru yang disebut-sebut menjadi incaran Pasha.

Pasha dan Dara

Ia adalah Dara, vokalis The Virgin. Menanggapi rumor tersebut, mantan suami Okie Agustina ini langsung membantah. "Gue nggak masuk kriteria dia," ucap Pasha dengan nada minder. Ia terus mengelak dengan dalih tidak mau dicap terlalu percaya diri.
Namun pemandangan yang nampak pada malam penghargaan SCTV Music Award 2010 justru sebaliknya. Saat Pasha dan Enda menjadi pembaca nominator untuk kategori pendatang baru dou/group, The Virgin yang menjadi pemenangnya. Pasha dan Dara terlihat grogi ketika mereka bersalaman di atas panggung.
Celetukan nakal Mitha, gitaris The Virgin, pun membuat orang makin penasaran. "Apalagi yang baca nominasinya sapa gitu. Jadi grogi," kata Mitha usai menerima penghargaan. Ia lantas melirik ke arah gadis kelahiran Tasikmalaya 9 Agustus 1991 yang salah tingkah.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Jersey Shore girls hit Miami beach

It was a tough day of tanning for Jersey Shore stars Snooki and J-Woww as they continued filming the second season on Miami beach.

The self-styled 'guidettes' - real names Nicole Polizzi and Jenni Farley - paraded around the foreshore in skimpy swimsuits as they soaked up the sun.

Jersey Shore

The Italian-American cast have been fixtures on the beach since descending on Florida last month.

But they are soon expected to return to Seaside Heights, New Jersey, where the first series was shot.

Their entourage to will have grown quite substantially since the last time they terrorised the holiday resort with their fist pumping, hook-ups and almighty bust-ups.

Jersey Shore

The MTV stars will have their own private security with them around the clock and there will also be increased police presence in an effort to prevent more bar and boardwalk brawls.

Last year only one officer was assigned to the show, but this year up to ten policemen will trail their every move, according to TMZ.

Already there has been plenty of fighting with in the cast, with Angelina 'Jolie' Pivarnick again falling out with her fellow stars.

Jersey Shore

'Someone threw a pot of marinara at her,' an insider tells Us Weekly.

The second series of MTV's Jersey Shore premieres in the US on July 29.

Kim Kardashian reveals her bikini body

Posing proudly in her bikini, Kim Kardashian has revealed her diet secrets that have led to her losing 10lbs in the last year.

A combination of exercise, healthy eating, and weight-loss supplements have helped her shed the excess weight.

But while the reality TV star is proud of her new figure, she showed she hadn't lost her trademark curves as she stepped out in Los Angeles last night.

Kim Kardashian

The 29-year-old's clinging black jumpsuit revealed her womanly figure, as she arrived at the Disco Glam event at the Armani Exchange on Robertson Boulevard.

And while Kim has been focusing on getting in shape, it seems to be an ongoing project.

Along with sister Khloé, who has lost an impressive 25lbs, she tells this week's Life & Style how she shed the pounds.

'Before, all I’d have for breakfast was a Grande Soy Chai Latte,' Kim said. 

Now, both sisters eat either oatmeal or eggs, turkey bacon and fruit.

Kim, who at 5ft 2in is a U.S. size 2, tells the magazine she eats protein at every meal to fill up and makes sure not to deprive herself. 

Kim Kardashian

'If I feel like a milk shake, I have one,' said Kim.  

And most importantly the sisters lean on each other for support.

'Kim will always call me and be like, Let’s go do boot camp! and that motivates me,' Khloé said.

Kim also works out, a habit she developed after filming her own exercise DVD.

'I'd go to gym for a while and then I'd stop,' she said.

With the help of trainer Gunar Peterson her routine consists of tightening her core muscles with standing crunches and plank extensions, during sessions five days a week.

Marshanda Berakting Lagi

Setelah satu tahun absen, artis Marshanda akhirnya memutuskan untuk kembali ke dunia sinetron. Dara berusia 20 tahun itu pun siap menyuguhkan kemampuan aktingnya lagi di 'Sejuta Cinta Marshanda'.
"Senang banget, karena kemarin sempat break satu tahun," ujar Chacha, sapaan akrab Marshanda.

Marshanda mengaku mau untuk berakting lagi karena mendapat dukungan dari banyak pihak, mulai dari keluarga hingga sang kekasih, VJ Ben. Selain itu, Marshanda juga merasa sekarang sudah waktunya ia kembali beraktivitas di dunia hiburan.
Tampil di 'Sejuta Cinta Marshanda', Marshanda menemui banyak tantangan baru. Selain harus berada dalam satu layar dengan sang kekasih, Marshanda juga beradu akting dengan Baim Wong, sang mantan kekasih.

"Memang dari ceritanya saja sudah menantang dan seru saja," ucapnya.
Di sinetron itu, Marshanda berakting sebagai Chacha yang menjalin cinta dengan Delvin, tokoh yang diperankan Baim. Sementara, Ben memerankan pria yang menjadi pihak ketiga dalam hubungan Chacha dan Delvin.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mulan Jameela Bersaing dengan Dewi Persik

Sejak Dewi Persik bergabung di Republik Cinta Manajemen (RCM) milik Dhani, nama pedangdut itu selalu dihubung-hubungkan dengan Mulan Jameela. Konon, terjadi persaingan dalam diri dua artis tersebut. Mulan mengaku dirinya siap bersaing secara sehat dengan Dewi Persik.
"Persaingan itu mungkin terjadi. Kalau misalkan kita satu sama lain ada persaingan, mungkin bukan persaingan negatif kali ya," kata Mulan saat ditemui di Studio RCTI, Jakarta Barat, Rabu 26 Mei 2010
Penyanyi asal Jawa Barat ini mengaku dirinya tak mau selalu dikait-kaitkan dengan kedatangan Dewi Persik di manajemen artis milik pentolan Dewa 19 itu.

Mulan Jameela

Janda dua anak ini menuturkan hubungannya dengan mantan istri Saipul Jamil itu berjalan dengan baik dan harmonis. Mulan juga menegaskan selama ini dia tak pernah menganggap Dewi sebagai saingannya.
"Aku nggak punya pikiran Dewi Persik atau Mahadewi itu bakal gantikan posisi aku. Kalau dia lagi laku atau apa, aku nggak ada pikiran ke situ, karena buat aku harus mensyukuri apa yang sudah kita dapat," ucapnya.

Dewi Persik

Mulan menambahkan, ia juga yakin Dhani akan bersikap adil kepada anak asuhnya. Sehingga, dirinya tak merasa khawatir tak akan mendapat perhatian dari pria yang masih berstatus sebagai suami Maia Estianty tersebut.
"Aku lihat Mas Dhani adalah orang yang sangat fokus dalam melakukan pekerjaan. Dia jenius dan sangat profesional," ujarnya.

7ft Amazon Eve is the world’s tallest model

The bikini-clad human skyscraper, who calls herself Amazon Eve, towers over 5ft 4in Page 3 beauty Becky in our jaw-dropping picture.

And when The Sun took the 31-year-old Californian "height-seeing" in London, she struggled to duck into one of our famous red phone boxes.

Amazon Eve

By the look of our snap above, she also dwarfed Big Ben.

That might have been a photographic trick - but onlookers who spotted her strolling in her relatively tiny twopiece were staggered by her size.

Luke Moran, 19, gasped: "I've never seen a woman that tall in my life. She's absolutely amazing."

Eve, also known as Lanky Yankee, is a former wrestler who gave up on an acting career after producers in Los Angeles kept casting her as a monster or alien.

Now she is the leggiest of models - but still finds it hard to get a boyfriend.

Eve, who is currently single, said: "I used to mainly date men who were taller than me. But they are few and far between, so I've only been out with six guys.

"The shortest man I ever went out with was 5ft 4in. I could pick him up.

"I love English men, though. But be warned - I am very feisty."

Eve, on an assignment in Britain before heading to a promotional job in Amsterdam, has a 38DD bust, 40in legs and a 29in waist.

She is 6ft 8ins before she slips on her heels but is rarely seen without them.

Eve said her German and Dutch heritage is the reason for her height.

She said: "All the women in my family are tall."

Eve added: "People stare at me a lot. It used to make me very shy and I would hide away.

"I had quite a rough childhood and got teased a lot, with people calling me names like Stretch.

"Sports coaches were always approaching me to play basketball or volleyball but I never really enjoyed it.

"Now I'm proud of my height and use it to my advantage. I love modelling."

Eve was constantly asked to pose for souvenir snaps on our London tourist trail.

She said: "It happens all the time. I get stopped everywhere I go and I really don't mind. It's all part of the job."

Eve quickly became a fan of the capital. She gushed: "I love it here. Everything's so quaint and small."

Sounds like she's never heard of Little Britain.

Naked Photos of Miranda Kerr

Among the glorious winged creatures that walk down the runway for Victoria's Secret, none is more lovely than the Aussie Miranda Kerr. Or more dangerous. Just ask the poor sap who almost got fired for looking at online pictures of her at work

 Miranda Kerr

You might recognize her from her work with the lacy underwear Xanadu Victoria's Secret or know her as the girlfriend of the actor Orlando Bloom. But Kerr is most famous for almost getting someone fired. Not long ago, a young banker at a Sydney, Australia, investment house received an e-mail with a series of photos—from a previous issue of this very magazine—of a certain supermodel in states of glorious undress. The problem was that one of the banker's colleagues was being interviewed on live TV in their office at the time, talking about interest rates, while the poor banker in the background clicked through the photos. Four million YouTube hits later and the busted broker had become a phenomenon—not just because the video was funny, though Lord knows it was, but because men everywhere could relate. How can you operate a computer in 2010 and not eventually wind up looking at naked photos of Miranda Kerr?

Miranda Kerr

"It was a huge deal," Kerr told GQ recently over tea in New York City. "I wasn't offended. I just felt sorry for the poor guy."

Welcome to the twenty-first-century minefield of sex and the workplace, in which an ill-considered e-mail attachment can blow up into an interoffice scandal—or in Kerr's case, a global incident. Men have always been getting themselves into these kinds of predicaments, but modern life—with its changing attitudes about sex, its new technology, its Miranda Kerrs—has widened the gray areas. At the same time, the stuff that's always tormented the workingman hasn't gotten any easier. When men and women work together, how do they handle the inevitable attraction? Does harassment really come down to who holds the power? Should we just permanently turn off this computer and quietly hum Bible hymns?

Miranda Kerr

Posing near naked for a living can give you a certain perspective on such things. Kerr considers the scandalized Aussie banker with whom she'll be forever intertwined. "I wonder if he'll get into trouble if we send him this cover," she asks. "We should send him a signed cover! He can read the magazine at home instead of at work on the Internet." A brilliant idea. But the rest of us aren't getting the consolation prize. We have to navigate the perilous world of sex and the workplace on our own. To help with that, we asked GQ's resident sexiquette expert for some timely—and timeless—advice.

To read about the new rules of safe-for-work sex etiquette, pick up the June 2010 issue of GQ, on newsstands now; or subscribe to GQ here and get the issue guaranteed.

Kylie Minogue writhes among half-naked extras in sexy video

Her previous videos have seen her dancing on a table in gold hotpants and performing a sexy routine in a plunging white catsuit.

So it comes as no surprise to see Kylie Minogue writhing around among half-naked extras in the video for her new single All My Lovers.

Wearing a white cobweb-style T-shirt over a bra and knickers and matching white thigh high boots, the 41-year-old singer is seen with a look of ecstasy on her face as she lays on the top of her lingerie-clad co-stars.

Kylie Minogue

The video - directed by Joseph Khan, who has directed videos including Britney Spears' Toxic - won't be released until next month, but fans have been teased with a taster preview.

And it isn't only Minogue who is getting sexy in the new video - her co-stars also appear to be overcome by the mood, and are seen passionately kissing and embracing throughout.

Kylie Minogue

The All My Lovers video also shows Kylie has no intention of covering up her figure, or her most famous asset, as she gets older.

She said recently: 'Every time I put on a pair of hotpants I think, "This is the last time." But it's not. It makes me laugh that my bum has become such an obsession!

Kylie Minogue

'When it came to the video and I knew I was going to be in tiny hotpants again, I was like, "Cover my legs and bum with body make-up." It's definitely the way forward and my secret to having a great bottom!'

All My Lovers is the first track to be taken from Minogue's upcoming 11th studio album entitled Aphrodite, due for release on June 5.

Explaining her inspiration for the track, she explained: 'The single was one of the last tracks to be written for the album.

'As I was recording it I knew that All The Lovers had to be the first single as it sums up the euphoria of the album perfectly.

'It gives me goose-bumps, so I’m really excited to hear what everyone thinks of it.'

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Amanda Holden shows her cheeky side in a photo shoot

The Britain's Got Talent judge insisted: "My husband is so obsessed with my bottom he had a plaster cast made of it- it was before I had a baby so I was kind of proud of it then.

"I had this big tall man come and he even had a spatula to get definition! It looks like a piece of art because they’ve sprayed it silver."

She added: "It’s in our bedroom away from prying eyes. If only it still looked like that… It’s a good inspiration for me to start running again."

Responding to accusations of lip enhancement surgery and botox, Amanda said: "It’s so annoying. I swore I would never get my lips done; it’s the first thing that everyone notices. And look! No Botox, nothing!

Amanda Holden

"I said I wasn’t going to get Botox done and I haven’t. I haven’t had it for 9 months. Basically I was so fed up of answering questions about it; I thought I’m not having it any more."

Amanda also revealed a secret about fellow BGT judge Simon Cowell.

She told heat: "Simon has monogrammed napkins in LA so you can wipe your hands on them. I always say I’m going to put them on eBay. And I know it’s been said but he has black toilet paper too, which means you can’t see when you’re finished! He’ll hate me saying that, he always says I talk about my bowels too much! "

Having asked Piers Morgan's finace Celia for a secret about him, Amanda revealed: "Piers’ secret is ‘he refuses to wear boxer shorts that haven’t been ironed’. Brilliant! "

Christina Aguilera Cancels Summer Tour

Christina Aguilera has spent a lot of time shooting down comparisons to Lady Gaga.

But perhaps this artist should have been promoting her summer tour instead.

Sources confirm that Aguilera's summer concerts in North America have been canceled, likely due to poor ticket sales, although the performer's reps are claiming otherwise (naturally). They say the tour has merely been "postponed" until 2011 because:

"The singer felt she needed more time to rehearse the show and with less than a month between the album release and tour date this wasn’t possible."

Christina Aguilera

A true sign of whether Christina's comeback has already flopped will be when her album hits stores on June 8. If "Bionic" doesn't sell well, Aguilera may be forced to embrace her inner thespian.

She does make her feature film debut in November's Burlesque, after all.

Without a tour this summer, at least Christina can spent more time at home. Toddler son Max is a certified cutie.

Christina Aguilera

Ada Apa Dhani dan Dewi Persik

Usai dari salon, Dewi Persik (DP) langsung bergegas ke kediaman Dhani di kawasan elit ePondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan. Dhani sudah menunggu DP dengan mengenakan setelan jas hitam. DP pun berganti kostum. Ia membalut dirinya dengan gaun panjang semata kaki yang juga berwarna hitam. Keduanya pun tampak serasi menjadi pasangan dalam video klip ini.

Dhani dn Dewi Persik
Sebelum syuting, Dhani menjelaskan konsep video klip dan makna yang tersirat dari lagu Diam-Diam. "Lagu ini artinya bukan berarti silent. Intinya adalah sebuah perasaan cinta dua pasangan yang datang mendadak dan keduanya bagai terjebak di dalam kotak," kata Dhani seperti ditayangkan dalam Status Selebritis, Selasa (25/5).
Dalam video klip ini, terlibat sejumlah selebritas yang digaet Dhani sebagai model video klipnya. Mereka di antaranya Fauzi Baadila dan istrinya, Senk Lotta, Fadli vokalis grup musik Padi, dan aktris cantik Marsha Timothy

Dian Sastro Dugem Usai Resepsi

Malam itu, benar-benar menjadi malam yang terindah buat bintang film dan iklan Dian Paramita Sastrowardoyo dan suaminya, Indraguna Sutowo. 

 Dian Paramita Sastrowardoyo
Seusai menggelar rangkaian acara resepsi pernikahan yang dihajat di Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Sabtu (22/5/2010), sebuah ruangan di samping tempat resepsi digelar disulap seolah menjadi arena dugem alias dunia gemerlap.

Dian Paramita Sastrowardoyo

Dentuman musik disko menyeruak, si pemilik hajat terlihat begitu sukacita menghabiskan malam yang paling membahagiakan bagi keduanya

Ayu Azhari Jadi Jurkam

Meski gagal maju sebagai calon wakil bupati Sukabumi, Jawa Barat, artis Ayu Azhari tetap eksis di dunia politik. Kini, Ayu pun menjajal kemampuannya jadi juru kampanye.

Ayu Azhari

"Saya saat ini menjadi juru kampanye salah satu calon (bupati Sukabumi), yang akan diadakan tanggal 27 Mei ini," ujar perempuan berusia 40 tahun itu saat dtemui di Sudirman Citywalk, Jakarta Selatan.
Ayu mengaku mau jadi juru kampanye karena masih bersinggungan dengan Sukabumi. Sebelumnya, Bintang 'Pacar Ketinggalan Kereta' itu memang berkomitmen terjun ke dunia politik lewat daerah itu.
"Meskipun saya ditawari di daerah lain jadi jurkam atau menjadi calon bupati yang menggiurkan, saya tetap konsisten pada daerah Sukabumi," jelas Ayu.

Ayu Azhari

Menurut Ayu, Sukabumi menyimpan potensi yang cukup besar. Ia pun menyayangkan kenapa daerah itu kurang mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah.

Jennifer Aniston wins the battle of the bikinis with younger model Brooklyn Decker

For most fortysomething women the prospect of slipping into a bikini alongside a young swimwear model would be a little daunting.

But Jennifer Aniston, as you can see, is no average fortysomething.

In her stunning hot pink two-piece, she was more than a match for her much younger co-star.

Jennifer Aniston

The 41-year-old actress showed off a flawless figure as she peeled off to shoot scenes for her latest film, Just Go For It, in Hawaii last week.

With her was swimwear model Brooklyn Decker, 23, the wife of tennis star Andy Roddick.

But perhaps Miss Aniston is not as naturally confident as she seems.

She began a gruelling training regime after hearing she would be starring alongside Miss Decker.

She has flown her personal trainer Mandy Ingber over to the island to help her get in shape.

The pair see one another five times a week for punishing 80-minute gym routines that include yoga, martial arts and running.

Brooklyn Decker

As well as power-walking twice a day, Miss Aniston is said to be a fan of Budokon - a martial art-based exercise.

However, she denied claims that she was following a baby food diet.

She said: 'I eat really well and I work out, but I don't starve myself in an extremist way. You're not taking away my coffee or my glass of wine because I'd be devastated.'

In the film, the Adam Sandler plays Dr Patrick Maccabee, a commitment-phobic plastic surgeon dating a girl nearly half his age - played by Decker, 23.

Jennifer Aniston

Decker's character Beverly wants to settle down with Patrick, so he lies to her, claiming he's already married with children.

He enlists the help of his receptionist Katherine Palmer, a single mother played by Aniston, to pretend to be his 'estranged wife'.

Paris Hilton Pamer Bokong di Pesta

Hadir di pesta perayaan Chopard yang ke-150, pekan ini, Paris Hilton terlihat elegan dengan gaun biru rancangan Alberto Makali. Tapi bukan Paris jika tidak umbar keseksian.

Tapi begitu dia pindah ke klub malam French Riviera, sosialita dengan cepat sadar jika gaunnya tidak cukup pas untuk lantai dansa.


Paris Hilton


Paris menari di ruangan VIP, Senin malam, dan artis berusia 29 tahun ini seperti dengan sengaja menunjukkan (maaf) bokongnya, sehingga kelihatan saat dia mengangkat gaunnya terlalu tinggi.

Bersama adiknya, Nicky Hilton, pewaris jaringan hotel Hilton ini seharusnya sadar dia salah mengenakan kostum pesta, bukan gaun pundak terbuka.

Tapi ini bukan yang pertama, sebelumnya Paris berulah, seakan membenarkan letak payudaranya yang berukuran 32 B, Paris memang sengaja meraba-raba payudaranya sendiri. Tak urung paparazzi langsung menghujani tingkah Paris ini dengan jepretan kamera.


Paris Hilton


Usai berpisah dengan pacarnya, bintang baseball Doug Reinhardt sebulan yang lalu, Paris semakin ugal-ugalan, liar.

Meski pakaiannya tidak berfungsi dengan baik, tapi kehadiran Paris di Cannes menjadi reuni keluarga Hilton yang tengah berlibur bersama keluarganya, termasuk ayahnya, Rick dan ibunya, Kathy, Nicky adiknya dan Barron.

Usai pesta di French Riviera, Paris menulis dalam akun Twitternya, “Pesta yang luar biasa di Chopard. Lionel Ricchie tampil dan luar biasa! Cinta Dia.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gisele Bundchen shows why she's number one on Forbes' list for the FOURTH year running

Even when she was pregnant Gisele Bundchen managed to maintain her supreme figure, albeit with the addition of a rather large bump.

So to see her back to the day job looking slender and on fine form is hardly a shock to any keen observer.

Gisele Bundchen

The Brazilian model, 29, posed for a series of underwear shots in an advertising campaign for lingerie firm Hope - just five months after the birth of her son, Benjamin.

And her immaculate frame appeared to have snapped right back into shape, with both her front and rear looking great.

The model recently revealed that she had maintained a fitness regime throughout her pregnancy, but claims she hasn't worked out since giving birth.

Gisele Bundchen

She said: 'I did kung fu up until two weeks before Benjamin was born, and yoga three days a week.

I think a lot of people get pregnant and decide they can turn into garbage disposals. I was mindful about what I ate, and I gained only 30 pounds.'

Gisele gave birth to her first child with husband Tom Brady in December.

The model, who has been become one of the world's top earners, says that being a mother has changed her life completely.

Gisele Bundchen

She admitted: 'I’ve always believed that to be a mom is the greatest responsibility a woman could have in her life.

'I’ve noticed a lot of meaningful changes in my life taking place together with a huge transformation of my priorities.

'The most important thing to me is to be the best mom ever to my children. I want to love them, to communicate with them, to be patient and teach them all I know.

'I have no doubt that becoming a mom has been the most rewarding experience in my life. I can say for a fact that I knew unconditional love.'

The supermodel was once again named the world's highest paid model by Forbes this week.

She picked up the accolade in 2007, 2008 and 2009, and is reported to have made $25million over the last year.

Earnings have come from high-profile campaigns for the likes of True Religion jeans and Dolce & Gabbana, as well as her own skin care line and sandals brand, Ipanema by Gisele.

Helena's naked workout

HELENA CHRISTENSEN has no problem with naked shoots because she's been doing them for 20 years.

The Danish supermodel has stripped completely nude - bar her new trainers - in a shoot for Reebok.


Sportswear adverts aren't usually this naughty but when Helena signs up for a project her directors can afford to be XXX-tra creative.

Helena said: "When you're doing nude, there are moments of feeling slightly intimidated or self-conscious about it.

"But I've done this for 20 years. If I thought too much about it, I probably would not be working."

Miss England loses her bikini

On the bikini front, there is no question that she has done her bit for her country.

Katrina Hodge

But Miss England has decreed that the days of beauty queens parading in swimsuits are over.

Katrina Hodge believes sports gear is far more in keeping with the active young women of today.

Katrina Hodge

Which is why daringly bare bikinis and one-pieces are out and tracksuit pants and vests are in for the Miss England competition this year.

And the days of lithe young beauties lining up in their swimwear are consigned to misty-eyed memory for admirers of the female form.

Those vying to be Miss England 2010 won't have to worry about looking as glamorous as Miss Hodge did when she paraded in a white bikini for the pageant last year.

Yvonne Costello

But as she stepped out in the sports gear the competitors will be slipping into this year, Miss Hodge still showed off a shape to envy.

The 23-year-old Lance Corporal, who has put her Army career on hold for her year as Miss England, said getting rid of the bikini round would prove the contest was about 'real women'.

Katrina Hodge

'In a world of size zero models it's not a particularly good image to give out to girls that you've got to be stick thin,' she said.

'Having done Miss England two years in a row myself, I met girls who were all dieting and worrying about the bikini round and I just thought it's not a good image for girls to have, so we should get rid of it.'

As for life after she hands back her crown in September, she is looking forward to returning to Army uniform.

'I will miss this year but it's been hard doing my hair and make-up and looking glamorous all the time.'

Naomi Watts to play Marilyn Monroe in new movie

The red painted pout, bleached blonde waves and come hither eyes are all there.

But there's one thing Naomi Watts lacks when it comes to impersonating Marilyn Monroe - her curves.

The 41-year-old is set to play Marilyn in a new film about her life, titled simply Blonde.

Naomi Watts

Naomi, a mother-of-two, dressed in a white pleated blouse with a plunging neckline as she impersonated Marilyn.

The movie is based on the 'imagined memoir' of the same name by bestselling U.S. author Joyce Carol Oates.

Filming begins in January, it was announced yesterday at the Cannes Festival.

Blonde caused a sensation when it was published in 2000, as it featured detailed sex scenes, including an encounter with a casting director

Marilyn Monroe

Another scene saw Marilyn performing a sexual act on 'the president' - President John F Kennedy - while he spoke on the phone to Fidel Castor.

The film will trace Marilyn's journey from the child Norma Jeane to the worldwide sex symbol, and her tragic death aged 36 in 1962.

It will be directed by Andrew Dominik, who was behind the Brad Pitt Western The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford.

But Blonde isn't the only Marilyn movie in the works.

A second, entitled Marilyn, has been based on accounts from former deputy Los Angeles coroner Lionel Grandison - who claims he was forced to falsify the star's death certificate. 

Grandison - who is still alive - claims that he was forced to list the cause of death as a suicide, rather than murder. 

And a third, My Week With Marilyn, sees Brokeback Mountain star Michelle Williams play the star.

The film is based on the filming of Marilyn's film The Prince and the Showgirl, in which she starred opposite Laurence Olivier.

Friday, May 14, 2010

7 Selebriti Tak Setia di Hollywood

Selama ini, mungkin Anda lebih sering mendengar kasus perselingkuhan yang dilakukan sejumlah selebriti pria.

Tapi, sebenarnya tidak sedikit juga selebriti wanita Hollywood yang tak setia dan menghancurkan rumah tangga mereka sendiri. Siapa saja mereka ?

- Meg Ryan

Meg Ryan
Perselingkuhannya dengan Russel Crowe menjadi bulan-bulanan pemberitaan. Pada 2000, Ryan berhubungan dengan Crowe, saat ia masih terikat pernikahan dengan Dennis Quaid.
Ryan kemudian bercerai dengan Quaid setahun kemudian. Hubungannya dengan Russell Crowe juga berakhir, tidak lama setelah perceraiannya. Dua tahun lalu Ryan mengungkap kalau Dennis juga berselingkuh, selama pernikahan.

- LeAnn Rimes

LeAnn Rimes
Wajahnya terlihat polos dan manis, tetapi ia telah menyakiti suaminya dengan melakukan perselingkuhan. Pada 2009 lalu, Rimes dikabarkan mengkhianati suaminya, Dean Sheremet, yang hidup bersamanya selama tujuh tahun. Ia berselingkuh dengan aktor, Eddie Cibrian, yang juga telah menikah.
Rimes dan Cibrian bertemu dalam lokasi pembuatan film 'Northern Lights'. Pemberitaan makin santer terdengar tentang perselingkuhan mereka. Rimes segera berpisah dengan suaminya setelah pemberitaan tersebut, dan diikuti Cibrian, yang telah menjalani pernikahan dengan istrinya selama delapan tahun.

- Tori Spelling

Tori Spelling
Seperti LeAnn Rimes, Tori Spelling juga menyelingkuhi suami yang kini sudah menjadi mantannya, Charlie Shanian. Spelling berselingkuh dengan aktor asal Kanada, Dean McDermott. Setelah bertemu di lokasi pembuatan film televisi 'Mind Over Murder', Spelling dan McDermott mulai berkencan. Tori bercerai secara legal dengan Shanian pada April 2006. Kurang dari enam bulan kemudian, ia menikah dengan McDermott, yang bercerai dengan istrinya, hanya beberapa bulan sebelumnya.

- Kelly Brook

Kelly Brook
Model asal Inggris ini menyelingkuhi pacarnya yang seorang aktor, Jason Statham dengan Billy Zane. Statham dan Brook telah hidup bersama selama tujuh tahun. Brook meninggalkan Statham demi Zane. Mereka bertemu dalam lokasi pembuatan film  'Survival Island' pada 2004. Tetapi, Brook dan Zane berpisah pada 2008.

- Britney Spears

Britney Spears
Britney Spears menyelingkuhi Justin Timberlake, dengan seorang koreografer dan penulis lagu, Wade Robson. Timberlake menyindir perselingkuhan yang dilakukan Britney lewat lagu 'Cry Me a River'.
Mantan suami Spears, Jason Alexander juga telah mengonfirmasi perselingkuhan tersebut. Alexander juga mengungkap bahwa ia dan Britney, tidur bersama dua kali, saat Britney masih berhubungan dengan Justin.

- Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez
Pada 2002, kabarnya Jennifer Lopez menggunakan Ben Affleck sebagai calon suami 'cadangan' jika pernikahannya dengan Cris Judd tidak berhasil. Ada desas-desus bahwa Lopez mulai berselingkuh dengan Affleck ketika dia masih menikah dengan Judd, mantan penari cadangan pengiring Lopez. Lopez kemudian bercerai dengan Judd, dan bertunangan dengan Ben pada akhir 2002. Kurang dari dua tahun kemudian, Jennifer dan Ben berpisah.

- Anne Heche

Anne Heche
Anne Heche dikabarkan melakukan perselingkuhan tidak hanya sekali, tetapi dua kali. Pada 2000, Heche menyelingkuhi pacar wanitanya, Ellen DeGeneres dengan seorang juru kamera. Ia kemudian menikah dan memiliki anak dengan juru kamera tersebut. Pada 2007, Heche berselingkuh lagi dengan bintang 'Man in Trees', James Tupper.